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Panels and electrical systems

Flex Motor Controller

Medium Voltage SMC™ Flex Motor Controller

Low Voltage Flex Motor Controller

The starter is based on a processor and includes seven soft starting and silencing features.

There is a wide variety of communication types. The motor includes an internal bypass, built-in motor protections, and a smart motor controller. The starter is suitable for tough environment conditions, with 4 exit contacts, an LCD display, and more.

Motor and starter protections: overcurrent, high motor temperature, phase sequence/ phase deficiency – for the entrance,  phase deficiency in the motor/under open load, and current imbalance- SCR, shortened.

High Voltage Flex Motor Controller

Soft Allen Bradley starters with output, voltage and planning per the client’s request. Several motors can be operated via a single starter. It has a modular power unit structure. It is of Stack module, and the SCR units are made of extractable modules. The product includes an electrical, galvanized separator between the power and command units, a built-in control system for managing the contacts, and a non-connected column contact.

Protection against: voltage deficiency/voltage drop, voltage and current imbalance, ground leakage, phase reverse, over-temperature, occupied motor, over-current, under load, limited number of starts.

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מתנעים רכים שונים של Allen Bradley
Flex Motor Controller
שי גרשון - Shai Gershon

שי גרשון

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