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Panels and electrical systems

Electricity panels factory

Our subsidiary, Contel Electromechanics, manufactures cutting- edge electricity panels in its factory. Its 1200-sqm facility is located in the new industrial area of Kfar Saba.

The manufacturing process includes preliminary content work, which is carried out by a skilled team of electrical engineers. It includes the assembly of components and brand devices from dozens of manufacturers. A key element for the factory’s success is the supply chain and supportive logistic systems that ensure the efficient supply of materials to the manufacturing lines. All while ensuring high quality and meeting the client’s schedule. The factory has a warehouse for spare parts, and a skilled, professional team that ensures fast supply.

Contel manufactures a wide variety of panels for its industrial clients – complex control panels, electricity panels with different outputs according to the IEC standard (up to 3200 ampere) and electricity and control panels that meet the UL standard. The factory manufactures products for OEM clients using advanced methods to ensure high- quality engineering processes throughout the product’s lifecycle.

Contel provides smart MCC panels based on the Centerline system of Rockwell Automation. The panels have extractable drawers and their components are connected via industrial communication for the purpose of control and preventative maintenance.

The factory uses the equipment of the world’s leading manufacturers, including Allen-Bradley, ABB, Siemens, and many others.

Contel provides also high- voltage systems, including transformers, high- voltage regulators, starters, starter panels, and speed valves for motors.

The factory manufactures hundreds of panels every year and employs dozens of workers.

Some of the panels manufactured in the factory are exported abroad. These panels meet the appropriate American and Canadian standards, such as UL-508A, thereby allowing the clients to benefit from high standards at a low cost. Contel’s panels factory is the only factory in Israel that has an approval to manufacture panels according to the UL-508A standard.

For the Israeli and European market, electricity panels are manufactured according to the IEC 61439 standard. Meeting this standard requires strict supervision and testing of the products.

For more information, you may contact Igor Koren

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פרויקטים בתחום מערכות חשמל ותשתיות
Electricity panels factory
שי גרשון - Shai Gershon

שי גרשון

מנכ”ל משותף


מהנדס חשמל ומחשבים ובוגר תכנית לתואר שני – מנהל עסקים למנהלים של האוניברסיטה העברית, עוסק ביישום טכנולוגיות חדשות במפעלי תעשייה מזה כשני עשורים.


מהנדס חשמל ומחשבים מאוניברסיטת בן גוריון, בוגר תואר שני במנהל עסקים מהאוניברסיטה העברית.