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Panels and electrical systems

Electrical systems and infrastructure projects

Contel is a leading company in the execution of large-scale, complex projects for the electricity sectors. We put emphasis on quality. We do not compromise on the standards of our performance.

Our company specializes in the planning and execution of electricity and equipment systems, including: electricity infrastructure, cabling for low, medium and high voltage, high voltage electricity rooms, transformation, low voltage distribution panels, electrical systems, equipment for electrical sub-stations and conventional power stations- gas and PV. Our activity is managed from three branches – North Region, South Region and Central Region.  We provide professional services of experienced electrical engineers and installation teams with the appropriate training.

Our projects are carried out by skilled project managers who are responsible for all stages including planning, implementation, inspection, milestones, purchase, coordination with experts, and operation to the client’s satisfaction. Contel serves a wide variety of clients from Israeli and international companies – power stations, gas fields, industrial factories, infrastructure facilities, energy manufacturing and storage facilities, office buildings, laboratories, security facilities, and more.


For more information, you may contact Igor Koren

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פרויקטים בתחום מערכות חשמל ותשתיות
Electrical systems and infrastructure projects
שי גרשון - Shai Gershon

שי גרשון

מנכ”ל משותף


מהנדס חשמל ומחשבים ובוגר תכנית לתואר שני – מנהל עסקים למנהלים של האוניברסיטה העברית, עוסק ביישום טכנולוגיות חדשות במפעלי תעשייה מזה כשני עשורים.


מהנדס חשמל ומחשבים מאוניברסיטת בן גוריון, בוגר תואר שני במנהל עסקים מהאוניברסיטה העברית.