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IIOT systems for production management

Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk

FactoryTalk® ProductionCentre  – a flexible solution package

We aspire to manufacture high- quality products at competitive rates. FactoryTalk® ProductionCentre helps you:

  • Improve quality while cutting costs.
  • Meet global operation standards.
  • Decrease the costs of meeting regulations and prevent product recalls.
  • Accelerate processes and manufacture new products in large quantities.
  • Make information and utilization initiatives available to the six sigma teams.
  • Shorten the duration of manufacturing cycles and decrease excessive inventory.
  • Provide better customer service.
  • Share data related to the quality and status of the manufacturing floor in real time.


MES solutions for the pharma and life sciences fields

The PharmaSuite™ solution of Rockwell Automation brings a spirit of innovation to the field of MES systems – it ensures role-based optimization during the various stages of the processes, thus shortening the retrieval of results for each user. The open content architecture of the smart motor provides our clients with a strong system suitable for the processing of batches and single items. Shorten development times and avoid paperwork to achieve the highest standards of production in your organization. Click here for more info about the PharmaSuite system and the ways in which Rockwell Automation provides efficient, sustainable solutions for the  life sciences industry.


For more information, you may contact Yuval Toledano

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מערכת Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk המציגה בתצורת דסקטופ, טאבלט  ומובייל
Rockwell Automation
שי גרשון - Shai Gershon

שי גרשון

מנכ”ל משותף


מהנדס חשמל ומחשבים ובוגר תכנית לתואר שני – מנהל עסקים למנהלים של האוניברסיטה העברית, עוסק ביישום טכנולוגיות חדשות במפעלי תעשייה מזה כשני עשורים.


מהנדס חשמל ומחשבים מאוניברסיטת בן גוריון, בוגר תואר שני במנהל עסקים מהאוניברסיטה העברית.