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Energy management systems

Energy Storage

Contel Smart Energy, a part of Contel Technologies Group, provides monitoring and control systems for solar electricity generation in Israel and abroad. The company offers its clients output control and management methods for solar generation systems, including smart optimization and effective use of storage systems, with modular software infrastructure (IIOT), at the highest industrial standards.

Entrepreneurs and companies with new power stations employing energy storage systems can maximize their returns with smart software systems that optimize their local electrical network. These new power stations combine photovoltaic panel systems with energy storage systems (whether lithium batteries systems or other storage technologies).

Station operators are required to make complex decisions in real time, use energy efficiently, and decide whether they should provide electricity to the national electrical network or load the batteries.  Users of local networks need to decide whether they should consume energy directly from the solar field, from the electric utility, or unload their batteries as the operating energy source.

Balancing these questions is complex, since consumption and supply rates will vary between sites and over time, and battery efficiency varies as a function of the charge level and duration of loading and unloading, among other factors. Furthermore, decisions regarding utilization of energy resources depend on additional factors, such as weather forecast and expected solar radiation throughout the day, as well as generation and supply directives that are received in real time from the electric utility’s network manager.

The solution required for optimal energy generation and supply is a software-based smart decision mechanism that interfaces in real time with all related factors, including the operational systems of the solar field, the management systems of the storage batteries, the electrical utility, the meteorological service, solar radiation sensors, generators, consumers, network loads, etc.

With real-time interfacing to all of these systems, the software system’s database stores extensive generation and consumption data, and by implementing algorithms using AI methods, the software builds an optimal operation regime. The software makes real-time decisions and commands all energy assets in the network in an optimal manner with maximum utilization of the power generation and storage assets.  In addition, the system provides comprehensive reports and data for network management and operations personnel.

Entrepreneurs that implement smart systems for managing their energy assets achieve maximum return on their investment.

Contel has proven experience in various applications of renewable electrical energy networks. Our experts look forward to consulting with you.

CONTACT US at or leave your details and we will get back to you.

For more information, you may contact Shai Gershon

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ניהול אגירת אנרגיה באמצעות תשתיות תוכנה IIOT מודולריות בסטנדרטים תעשייתיים
Energy Storage
שי גרשון - Shai Gershon

שי גרשון

מנכ”ל משותף


מהנדס חשמל ומחשבים ובוגר תכנית לתואר שני – מנהל עסקים למנהלים של האוניברסיטה העברית, עוסק ביישום טכנולוגיות חדשות במפעלי תעשייה מזה כשני עשורים.


מהנדס חשמל ומחשבים מאוניברסיטת בן גוריון, בוגר תואר שני במנהל עסקים מהאוניברסיטה העברית.